Topic: LET GOD CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK — [Max Lucado Ministry 12 June 2020]

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Were your growing up years hard years?  Family pain is the deepest pain because it was inflicted so early; it involves people who should have been trustworthy.  You were too young to process the mistreatment.  You didn’t know how to defend yourself.  Besides, the perpetrators of your pain were so large.  Your dad, mom, uncle, big brother—they towered over you, usually in size, always in rank.  When they judged you falsely, you believed them.  As a result, you’ve been operating on faulty data.  “You’re stupid, slow, dumb like your daddy, fat like your momma,” and decades later these voices of defeat still echo in our subconscious.

But they don’t have to.  Romans 12:2 says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”  You are God’s child, His creation.  You’ll get through this — you’re a part of His family.

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