Topic: Let the Spirit Take the Lead [Joyce Meyer Devotional 28 February 2020]

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.I am the Lord your God, Who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way that you should go.— Isaiah 48:17 (AMPC)

Most people are afraid not to be like everyone else; they’re more comfortable following specified rules than daring to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. When we follow man-made rules, we please people, but when we step out in faith and follow God’s Spirit, we please Him.

We don’t need to feel pressured to pray a certain way, for a certain length of time, or to focus on specific things because other people are doing so. Instead, we can be free to express our uniqueness as we pray the way God is guiding us. He uses each of us to pray about different things so that every need is covered in prayer.

Somehow we feel safe when we’re doing what everyone else is doing, but the sad thing is that we will feel unfulfilled until we learn to “untie the boat from the dock,” so to speak, and let the ocean of God’s Spirit take us wherever He wills.

I spent many years tied to the “dock,” following specified rules and regulations of prayer that others had taught me. It was a good beginning, but eventually my prayer experience became very dry and boring. When I learned to untie my boat and let the Holy Spirit lead me, a freshness and creativity came and it has been wonderful ever since. I find that He leads me differently almost every day as I pray, and I no longer do it according to rules, regulations, and time clocks.

Right now, start asking God to show you who you truly are, and to help you hear and follow His voice according to the one-of-a-kind, wonderful way He’s created you.

Prayer Starter: Holy Spirit, I invite You into my day. Thank You for showing me who I really am, the purpose You’ve given me, and for giving me the grace to begin to walk it out. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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