Topic:  Let’s Go To Upper Room – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 22 November 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES -

Topic:  Let’s Go To Upper Room – Daily Devotional [ Rhema for Living] By Apostle Johnson Suleman 22 November 2021  OMEGA FIRE MINISTRIES

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Let’s Go To Upper Room
by Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman

BIBLE READING: Deuteronomy 13-16

TEXT: “And, behold, I send the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city of Jerusalem, until ye be endued with power from on high”. Luke 24 :49.

Power is the product of spending time in the Upper room. In upper room, you tarry, energy is spent in prayer. James 5 :13 – 15; ‘Is any among you affected? Let him pray, is any merry? Let him sing psalm. Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord: And the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up ND if he has committed sun, they shall forgive him!.

In upper room, situations are changed. Upper room is also called power house. What makes prayer interesting is the answers you get when you pray, things are changes, situations are turned around. In upper room, ceaseless prayer is made continuously.
Today, Christians stay on the phone instead of going to the throne. In the throne, eyes are open to see, ears are open and secrets are exposed Jeremiah 33 :3.

Also Read: Open Heaven 22 November 2021 –Topic: ENVY IS EVIL 

It was the upper room experience that made Elijah to know the king’s itinery, where he would go for war, that the king taught there was a spy in his camp giving out information. Upper room is a place where believers should disengage themselves from all commitments and strive to consistently maintain focus on the upper room. Upper room produces evidence, proofs, results etc. Hannah said, “For this child I prayed”.

I see evidence emanating from your life as you go to the upper room.

PRAYER: My Father! My Father! As I begin to pray now, help me to tarry in the place of prayer.

Omega Fire Ministries Rhema for Living 22 November 2021 | Monday Daily Devotional from the Desk of Apostle (Prof.) Johnson Suleman, Omega Fire Ministries International, Auchi Edo State

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