Topic: Letters From Heaven [David Jeremiah Ministry 14 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Letters From Heaven [David Jeremiah Ministry 14 April 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Letters From Heaven

APRIL 14, 2021

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven… so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth.
Isaiah 55:10-11

 Recommended Reading: Isaiah 55:8-13

Last December, a woman named Katrina in Youngstown, Ohio, grabbed her mail from the mailbox and was shocked to find a card addressed to her in her mother’s handwriting. The envelope had her mother’s return address on it. But Katrina’s mother had passed away in 2018. The postmark said, “June 20, 2015.” It was a birthday card, lost in the mail, delivered more than five years after it had been mailed. Katrina opened the card and there in her mother’s handwriting was a Bible verse: “I know the thoughts I have towards you sayeth the Lord. Thoughts of peace and not of evil.” Katrina took it as a message from heaven for her, here and now.[1]

Whenever we open our Bibles, it’s like opening a handwritten message from heaven, and as we read consistently through Scripture, the verses often come to us just as we need them.

During difficult times, we’re lifted up by God’s Word, which came down from heaven as truly as rain and snow.

This is the power of the Scriptures—personally. They speak, and if we will listen and heed them and let them take us over, they will transform us, forever.

Mark Clark in The Problem of God


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 1 Kings 13 – 15

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