Topic: Life Is What You Make of It [Joyce Meyer Devotional 8 June 2021]

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And be constantly renewed in the spirit of your mind [having a fresh mental and spiritual attitude].— Ephesians 4:23 (AMPC)

Two people may have the same problem, but one will be kind to others and joyful, while the other is harsh in their dealing with people and always discouraged. The difference is found in the attitude they choose to have toward their life and their problems.

Our quality of life is not determined by our circumstances but rather by how we view those circumstances. Any life can be good if we choose to think and speak good things instead of finding fault and complaining.

If you need a change to happen in your life, ask God to help you not to complain, because if you complain you will remain right where you are.

Prayer Starter: Lord, I know that complaining is a waste of time that never makes anything better. Please help me to stop complaining every time I even begin to. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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