Topic: LIVE A FRUITFUL LIFE – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 18 April 2020 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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 “He spake also this parable; a certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard; and he came and found none.”Luke 13:6 KJV
We live in an hour and time where believers are paying more attention to miracles and the blessings of God rather than being fruitful in the Kingdom. Beloved, you were saved so that you could become an extension of the Hands of God in getting others saved and established in the Kingdom.
Based on our text, you need to ask yourself some sincere questions. Are you just ornamental plants, very pretty with a lot of flowers but no fruit? Ornamental plants can be good in our homes for decoration and beauty, but God has not called any of His children to be just ornamental. He has called us to be fruitful. 
Thank God for all the religious clichés, and the beautiful time of praise and worship and all that is good. But if that is where you stop, then beloved, it is time to wake up, because someone’s life is depending on your being fruitful. 
The question is: whose life are you touching? Every day you meet unbelievers, how many have you spoken to about Jesus? How many have you led to accept Him as Lord and Saviour? You meet weaker Christians regularly, how many have you strengthened? You know some of them, but rather than help strengthen and restore them in the faith, you keep quiet because you perhaps don’t want to miss the business opportunity that brought you close to the person. My question is: who told you that the relationship you have with that person is all about business? Are you aware that God might have created that opportunity to strengthen that brother or sister? I know that you might have tried to minister to the person without getting results, but that is not enough of an excuse for you to go your way. No, take out time to pray for that person, because it is not about words alone. Learn to back up your efforts with prayers.
Further Reading: Luke 13:6-9Daily Bible Reading: Morning- 2 Samuel 3-5; Evening- Luke 14:25-35

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