Topic: Living a Holy Life by Following Peace [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 June 2021] -

Topic: Living a Holy Life by Following Peace [Joyce Meyer Devotional 21 June 2021]

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Since all these things are thus in the process of being dissolved, what kind of person ought [each of] you to be [in the meanwhile] in consecrated and holy behavior and devout and godly qualities.— 2 Peter 3:11 (AMPC)

This is a special day because it is one in which we have an opportunity to grow in holy behavior. We grow in holiness as we fellowship with God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, not as we work hard to follow religious rules and regulations. Spiritual disciplines are important, but we should avoid letting them become laws. For example, it is good to read and study God’s Word as often as possible, but there is no law that says if you miss a day that God is mad at you or disappointed in you.

The way to grow in holiness is simple—just be committed to following peace. If you have peace about your thoughts, words, and behaviors, then continue in them, but if you sense an uncomfortable feeling in your spirit, or a lack of peace, it may well be a nudge from the Holy Spirit that your action isn’t what it should be. The more you follow God’s lead, the happier you will be. When God gives us another day to live, it is a valuable gift, and one that should be used for His glory and honor.

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that today I can grow in holiness. I ask You to help me sense what You approve of and what You do not approve of, and to live accordingly. Amen

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