Topic: Living Through the Pits of Life - Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 27 November 2021 -

Topic: Living Through the Pits of Life – Discover the Book by Dr John Barnett 27 November 2021

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Living Through the Pits of Life

As we open to Psalm 40, David feels life’s become like a horrible pit. Probably the closest public event that would mirror David’s life is what the quake-struck residents of Haiti and Chile had felt, going through the 7.0 quake that hit Haiti on 1/12/10 and the much larger 8.8 quake hit in Chile 2/27/10. Since these twin events:

  • Millions of lives were disrupted.
  • Over 200,000 have died.
  • Nearly 100,000 are still homeless.
  • Tens of thousands got out of touch with friends and family.
  • Multiplied thousands are jobless, and have become refugees.
  • And all of them are unsure about the future.

Events like those we watched are unforgettably imprinted upon our memories.

The fear, pain, and hopelessness we saw reflected from the crowds wandering around dazed by the devastation in the aftermath of those quakes—is a collective picture of what both David, and many others feel at times in life. Life after a huge disaster can aptly be described as living in the pits.

What we saw hundreds of thousands of people facing together, is what David faced alone for months. That is a summary of:

Also Read: Open Heaven 27 November 2021 –Topic: RIGHTEOUSNESS BRINGS BLESSINGS 

David’s Life in the Pits

We are searching the Scriptures and finding the testimonies of David from key events in his life that God has given to us as inspired Psalms. Where is David when he wrote the 40th Psalm?

David had just gone through an emotional quake that is off the scale. He was still feeling aftershocks, and in Psalm 40 he was remembering life at the bottom, life in the pits.

  • David had lost everything.
  • David was homeless.
  • David was out of touch with his family and friends and did not know who survived and who hadn’t.
  • David had no sure supply or food or water.
  • David had to find an escape route to flee the dangers he faced.
  • David’s life and emotions were flooded by a hurricane of troubles.

But David had a choice—sink into despair or flee to the Lord as his refuge. That is the same choice we all have each day of our lives.

Sink or Find Refuge

David chose to flee to God for refuge; and wrote down in Psalm 40 the pathway out for others who find themselves hitting the bottom in life.

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