Topic: Living To Give; Giving To Live [Seeds of Destiny 14 November 2019 Devotional] by Pastor Paul Enenche -

Topic: Living To Give; Giving To Live [Seeds of Destiny 14 November 2019 Devotional] by Pastor Paul Enenche

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Riches without outreach is wretchedness. Prosperity without generosity is poverty.

SCRIPTURE: Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Luke 6:30

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Riches without outreach is wretchedness. Prosperity without generosity is poverty.

Giving is an act of releasing something to someone without the expectation of a pay back. This is the release of your love, potentials, time, resources etc. to benefit humanity and glorify Divinity.

Also Read: Open Heaven 14 November 2019 – A Shining Light in Darkness?

One of the major essences of living is giving. A fundamental sign of love is also giving (John 3:16).

The truth is, giving is living; you have not started living until you have started giving. That is to say, we live to give and we give to live. Giving and living are intertwined. And to give it despite the need for it is called sacrifice. To exist without anyone benefiting from your life is a waste of existence.

A story was told of a wealthy man who died and while his remains was being buried, a mad man shouted “Hold on! Do not bury him without his cars, and houses; bury them all with him.” It is possible that while the rich man was alive, no one benefited from his wealth.

Beloved, riches without outreach is wretchedness. Prosperity without generosity is poverty. It doesn’t matter how wealthy you are, if your wealth is not wiping tears from the faces of the less privileged, you are a poor man. Until you live to give, it is possible your existence on earth is a waste.

REMEMBER THIS: Riches without outreach is wretchedness. Prosperity without generosity is poverty.


  1. Determine to always make positive difference in the life of anyone who comes your way per-time.
  2. Make giving a lifestyle.

For Further Understanding, Get This Message: Financial Wisdom

PRAYER: Lord, make me a channel of blessing to my generation. Eject the spirit of self-centeredness out of my life and inject into me the giver’s spirit, Lord in the Name of Jesus.

DAILY READING: Ezekiel 29:1 to 30:26, Hebrews 11:32 to 12:13, Psalm 112:1 to 10, Proverbs 27:17

QUOTE: When you live for yourself, you live like a slave; but when you live beyond yourself, you live beyond your time. Culled from 30 Secrets to the top by Dr Paul Enenche.

AMAZING FACT: The average lifespan of a Bald Eagle in the wild is around 20 years, with the oldest living to be about 30

TODAY IN HISTORY: 14/11/1889 – Pioneering female journalist Nellie Bly (aka Elizabeth Cochrane) began a successful attempt to travel around the world in less than 80 days. She completed the trip in 72 days.

PROPHETIC DECLARATION/WORD: Grace to exist as a blessing is released on you this day in Jesus Name.

Today’s devotional was written by Pastor Paul Enenche of the Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), headquartered at Abuja, Nigeria, with Pastor Paul and Becky Enenche, as the Senior Pastors. It is a power-packed arena where God’s Presence, Principles and Power are at work for the salvation, healing and restoration of human destinies and dignities

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