Topic: Love Money? Don’t! [Joyce Meyer Devotional 13 August 2020]

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But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, said, Behold, my master spared this Naaman the Syrian, in not receiving from his hands what he brought. But as the Lord lives, I will run after him and get something from him.— 2 Kings 5:20 (AMPC)

One day a military official named Naaman, who had leprosy, went to the prophet Elisha for healing. After he was healed, he tried and tried to give Elisha a gift, but Elisha refused to receive anything. Elisha’s servant Gehazi, thinking that Elisha should have taken something, ran after Naaman, stopped him on his journey, and lied to him. Gehazi told Naaman that two “guests” had stopped in suddenly, so Elisha now needed some money and two changes of clothes. Naaman immediately sent the money and clothes back with Gehazi, who hid them as soon as he got home. When Elisha asked him where he’d been, Gehazi lied again, saying, “Nowhere.”

But Elisha knew better and said that because of Gehazi’s greed, Naaman’s leprosy would now latch on to Gehazi and all his descendants (see 2 Kings 5:27). Gehazi’s choice not only affected him, it affected the generations who came after him. I wonder how many times in his life Gehazi looked at his leprous spots and thought with regret about the man he could have been.

Gehazi allowed the love of money to keep him from reaching his destiny. In a similar way, how many people today lose their relationships with their families because of greed? This happens more than we’d like to admit. Working extra hard for a season of time is admirable, and it can be wise in certain situations. But working franti¬cally for decades on end out of an obsessive lust for more and more things is wrong, and always leads to trouble in the end. Take time to spend with those closest to you, and enjoy every moment God has given you.

Prayer Starter: Father, please help me to keep the right attitude toward money and possessions, and not to let greed drive my decisions. Thank You for providing everything I need! In Jesus’ Name, amen

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