Topic: Love: Take the Leap! [David Jeremiah Ministry 29 February 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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FEBRUARY 29, 2020

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up….Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:4, 8

 Recommended Reading: 1 Peter 4:8

In 2008, Zelmyra and Herbert Fisher broke the Guinness World Record for the longest marriage. At that point, they had been married for 84 years. When Herbert died in 2011 at age 105, they had been married for just under 87 years. How did they do it? “Love each other with ALL of your heart Marriage is not a contest, … never keep a score.”1

The Fishers exemplified what the apostle Paul meant when he said, “Love never fails.” The love he referred to was agape love—the unconditional, sacrificial love that God has for us. But let’s face it: Making love last, and never having love fail, is not easy. In fact, it’s impossible, humanly speaking. We need the never-failing love of God within us to have a human love that never fails.

Is there someone in your life for whom your love sometimes fails? Commit to the love-leap in the coming week. Recommit to showing that person that your love for them is alive and well with a unique, unexpected demonstration of affection.

If an individual Christian does not show love toward other true Christians, the world has a right to judge that he or she is not a Christian.
Francis Schaeffer

  1. Jenny Zhang, “The Secret to Lasting Love According to World’s Longest Married Couples,” My Modern Met, July 8, 2014.


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Deuteronomy 24 – 25

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