Topic: “MADE VISIBLE”” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 3 September 2021

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READ: 1 Corinthians 12:1-11

But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.” – 1 Corinthians 12:7

Notice that in the above Scripture, Paul talks about the “manifestation of the Spirit.” The word “manifestation” used here is the Greek word phanerosis which means, “to make visible.” In other words, the making visible of the Holy Spirit is given for everybody’s benefit. The Holy Ghost is alive in us, and there are times when He makes Himself visible to the Church. Everyone needs the Holy Spirit to be made visible from time to time; that is, to be made tangible and available.

Phanerosis which is translated also means, “a sign, an expression, a demonstration, the symptom, the appearance and the materialization of an invisible thing”.

Many times you can feel the presence of the Holy Ghost at meetings; He is making Himself visible. Sometimes in my meetings, I have sensed the Holy Spirit move on the stage, move to the back of the auditorium or sweep through the balcony. I have seen the Holy Spirit bring healing to people in the congregation. There are times that I can feel Him in the car with me and then I start to cry like a baby. When He is present, He does so many things in our lives.

He can become real to you today in Jesus’ name! The Holy Spirit is given for your benefit. God knows this need of a comforter who can be contacted. He knows we need a Holy Spirit who is made visible whenever necessary. From today, phanerosis is going to happen in your life in the name of Jesus! You will see Him moving practically in your life!

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