Topic: Make the Most of Your Time [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional August 31 2019]

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Ephesians 5:1-17

Time is a precious commodity. You can’t earn more of it or reuse it. Once it’s spent, it’s gone forever. That’s why no amount of money, possessions, or success can equal its value. What’s more, we have no control over the length of time we’ll be allotted in this life. God alone is sovereign over the number of our days (Ps. 139:16).

If you want to know your true value system, simply look at how you spend your time. For the committed follower of Jesus, activities and pursuits will reflect a life lived for Him. What, then, is required to live wisely?

1. Realize that without Christ, you have no inheritance in God’s kingdom. The Savior offered Himself as a sacrifice to God so that all who believe in Him could be forgiven and receive eternal life. Without salvation, all of your time is wasted.

2. As God’s beloved child, imitate Him. Do this by walking in love, turning from sin, and trying to learn what is pleasing to the heavenly Father. Of course, imitation requires that you know the Lord, His ways, and His desires as revealed in Scripture.

3. Make the most of your time. Thoughtlessly moving through life results in hours spent on endeavors that, in an eternal sense, are fruitless. The apostle Paul warns us to be wise in making the most of opportunities (Eph. 5:15-16Col. 4:5).

Remember, life is not about how long you live, but about whether you’re living for Christ. It’s never too late to change direction. Place your trust in God, ask Him for guidance for each day, and let Him direct how you spend your time.

Bible in One YearEzekiel 13-16

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