Topic: MAKING DECISIONS – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 20 September 2021

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September 20, 2021“The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” Mark 1:15

Life is about making decisions. 

We don’t really pay attention to most of the decisions we make – we choose what radio station to listen to, what to eat for dinner, or what movie to go see. We don’t spend hours agonizing over decisions like that. The choice presents itself, we make it, and most of the time we just carry on with our day.

Then there are those times when the decision seems bigger –  like choosing a career, choosing a home, or choosing a spouse. These are the kinds of decisions that can keep us up at night; they even move us to seek counsel from others and carefully weigh out the options.

Big or small, we are always deciding something. But the big and the small are not isolated from each other. In fact, every small decision is in reality a reflection of a larger one.

In other words, life is about big decisions actualized in little choices. Here is just one example: Marriage is a big choice. At a single moment, you commit before God and others to honor your husband or wife, no matter what may come your way. 

Making the marriage commitment is a BIG decision. 

But today, you have the chance to actualize that decision in a ton of little ways, such as:

  1. Will you ask caring questions about your spouse’s daily activities and feelings?
  2. Will you serve them by doing some of the chores they hate to do? 

All of these little choices are just a reflection of the bigger decision you already made on the day of your wedding.

You can really look at any small daily choice like this: Ask yourself, “What’s the larger decision behind the smaller choice I’m making right now?” (Remember that there are really no small choices. Each one plays a significant role in the overall direction of your life.)

 You can actually hold up this same dynamic to your faith.

Believing in Jesus?

That’s a big choice. 


The Bible puts it to us in the form of the two twin towers of a relationship with Christ.  These two towers, the foundational pillars of what it means to be right with God, are summed up in these words:

Repent, and believe.

The big choice of repentance is that you once and for all decide to repent of your natural inclination to rule your own life. 

The big choice of belief is that you believe that Jesus is Lord over all, including you

 Today you and I will both have a myriad of opportunities to actualize those big decisions through a ton of much smaller ones. 

Chances are, you have already made some big choices. But have you made the most important choice you’ll ever make – choosing to follow Jesus? 

We will choose a thousand times today whether to repent and believe in many little ways.

Each decision, big or small, is yours to make. 

What will you decide?

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