Topic:  Making your walk match your talk – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 23 September 2021

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Making your walk match your talk

September 23, 2021 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • SCRIPTUREProverbs

The righteous who walks in his integrity—blessed are his children after him!

–Proverbs 20:7

I’d like to ask you some questions about your leadership today. And I know they may sound pretty straightforward and they may make you uncomfortable.

But it’s vital that every follower of Christ take a look at how they’re leading every now and then because God has called us to be leaders of those around us!

Here goes…

  • What kind of example are you setting for your family and those around you?
  • What does your life look like behind closed doors?
  • Are you honest? 
  • Do you have integrity at work? 
  • Do you seek wisdom? 
  • Are you generous?

The reason I’m asking you these questions is because people won’t listen to a word you say if your actions don’t match them.

So today, I want to challenge you to be a leader in every area of your life. Be a leader in your family. Show your children what it means to live with a strong faith, integrity, humility, wisdom, and generosity. Be a leader at your job, and with your friends and peers. 

God wants to use your leadership to lead others to Him. So it’s my prayer that you will take this calling on your life as a Christ-follower seriously… and that God will bless you as you display Christ-like character in more and more areas of your life each day.


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