Topic:  Maximizing your life – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 28 December 2021 -

Topic:  Maximizing your life – Daily Devotional By Jack Graham Ministry 28 December 2021

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Maximizing your life

December 28, 2021 by Dr. Jack Graham

  • TOPICSChristian Living

I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 

–Romans 12:1

I want to remind you of something that’s of critical importance: This is your life!

Your life had a beginning in your mother’s womb that was ordained by God, and someday your life will have an end… and God willing, there will be thousands of days in between.

But it’s how you live your life over the course of those days that is of utmost importance. Life demands your complete focus on God.

I’m reminded of when I played college baseball and the coach would say, “Wait for your pitch… watch for it! And when it comes, you swing with everything you’ve got!” So that’s what I’m saying to you today, “Don’t miss your pitch!” This is your life; don’t miss what God has for you!

There are so many people who live their lives just punching the clock in and out and they never pause long enough to ask, “What is my life to be about?”

Also Read: Open Heaven 28 December 2021 –Topic: THE HOLY SPIRIT III  

We need to be fully engaged in living our lives for Christ Jesus. In fact, we ought to live in such a way that when we die, the evil one says, “Whew, glad that one’s gone!”

Present your body to God for his service. Let it be your foremost goal to make a difference for Christ, and you’ll have a life well lived.


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