Topic: May I? What Jacob Asked [David Jeremiah Ministry 16 May 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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May I? What Jacob Asked

MAY 16, 2020

Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.” And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there.
Genesis 32:29

 Recommended Reading: Genesis 32:22-32

Jacob was a scoundrel, family divider, and liar. But one night, he was ambushed by a Stranger who wrestled with him all night. The Stranger finally touched Jacob’s hip, causing it to come out of joint. The pain must have been incredible, yet Jacob wouldn’t give up. Somehow by then he knew he was wrestling with God. “Tell me Your name?” he cried. The Stranger said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed Jacob (Genesis 32:29).

What a strange story! 

Jacob’s question implied he knew he had to change and that only the God of heaven could really change him. He wouldn’t let go of God until the change came. God literally wrestled him into submission, faith, and obedience. From that time on Jacob walked with a limp, but he walked by faith. The Lord is able to subdue the part of us that resists Him. Seek out His Name, don’t let go of Him, and let Him change you and bless you.

When God calls you to wrestle with him in prayer, it is an invitation to receive his blessing…. Do not let him go until he blesses you!

Jon Bloom


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 2 Chronicles 32-36

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