Topic: MEDITATION LEADS TO MANIFESTATION – Bishop Mike Okonkwo Devotional 17 December 2019 [The Redeemed Evangelical Mission]

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“O how love I thy law! It is my meditation all the day.”Psalms 119:97 KJV I want to share a vital aspect of our Christian experience that is often ignored. We know it, we talk about it but very few people practise it and as a result we do not get commensurate results. His Word is what I think about all day. I don’t allow circumstances to determine my thoughts.  Beloved, there are a lot of things that are begging for your attention. There are several things that want to engage your thoughts. ‘And as a man thinketh in his heart, so he is.’ Your life is governed by what fills your thoughts. The Word of God is what created the things we see. Let the Word fill your thoughts. When you begin to meditate on the Word of God, you are putting yourself in the position that God already put you as a co-creator with Him. God intends that as His children, we will invent things that others have not invented. His Word says that: “Thou through thy commandment has made me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me”. (Psalm 119:98). There are enemies always with you. But through the Word, as you meditate on it, you are wiser than all your enemies. “I have more understanding than all my teachers for thy testimonies are my meditation”(Psalm 119:99). ‘As I meditate on Your Word, I have great insight than all those who taught me.’ And he goes on to say ‘I understand more than the ancients, even the older people.’ So, it is not a matter of how old you are.  It is how much you can think? How much can you reason with God in His Word? God said, ‘Come, let us reason together, let us think. I want you to put yourself in my class so that we can begin to think on how to achieve great things and make the world better.’ When you begin to meditate on the Word of God, it provokes inspiration. Inspiration provokes revelation, revelation provokes faith and when you act in faith, there will be manifestation. Further Reading: Psalm 119: 97-100, Joshua 1:7-9, Psalm 1:1-3Daily Bible Reading: Morning- Amos 7-9; Evening- Revelation 8

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