Topic: “MEETING GOD” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 28 March 2021 -

Topic: “MEETING GOD” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 28 March 2021

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READ : 1 Samuel 3:1-11

…the Holy Ghost… shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance…” – John 14:26

The supernatural is often mistaken for the natural. Because of that, the supernatural passes us by and we do not even realize it. Consider the call of the prophet Samuel.

One night as he slept, he heard a voice, which sounded so much like that of his senior pastor, Eli. Samuel heard this voice thrice and thought each time that it was a human voice. Could it be that the supernatural voice of God is so similar to the natural voice of man? It was the experienced prophet, Eli, who guided Samuel to receive the supernatural.

Some of the thoughts that flash through your mind are from God. They are the voice of God ministering direction to you. Jesus made it clear that the Holy Spirit would minister to Christians through their minds.

The above Scripture (John 14:26) explains that the Holy Spirit brings things to your mind. However, if your heart (thoughts and feelings) has become fat, stupid, dull and inattentive, you will never know when the Holy Spirit speaks to your mind. You will not know the difference between your own thoughts and those from the Holy Spirit.

Learn something right here! The supernatural is not always sensational, dramatic or spectacular. My experience with the supernatural is that God uses my organs of perception: of feeling, thinking, seeing and hearing. He will do the same for you. It may not be spectacular or thrilling, but it certainly is supernatural.

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