Topic: “MEETING PLACE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 24 September 2020 -

Topic: “MEETING PLACE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 24 September 2020

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READ: Luke 22:39-46

And He came out and proceeded as was His custom to the Mount of Olives; and the disciples also followed Him.” – Luke 22:39, NASB

The turning points for your life and ministry are determined in the private and personal times you have with the Lord.

The turning point for Jesus’ ministry came in the Garden of Gethsemane. Gethsemane was the place where Jesus received strength to accomplish the will of God. The turning point that will give you church growth will take place in your Garden of Gethsemane.

Gethsemane shows us the greatest example of waiting on the Lord. There is no man that is used of the Lord who has not interacted with the Lord deeply and personally. Moses encountered the Lord by the burning bush. It was that personal private burning bush meeting that propelled him into his worldwide ministry. It will be your personal private burning bush experience that will propel you into the church growth you desire.

Jacob’s meeting with the Lord also gave birth to his ministry of producing God’s nation Israel.

You must have a place you go to often to wait on the Lord. It must be part of your life’s routine to visit your Gethsemane regularly. According to the Scripture it was Jesus’ custom to visit that garden in the Mount of Olives. It is important to go away from your usual environment and to places where you benefit from nature. Nature tends to relax you and God’s voice will reach you better when your mind and heart are relaxed. Nature itself has many messages contained within it

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