Topic: MIRACLE MUD — [Max Lucado Ministry 28 OCTOBER 2020]

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“After saying this, Jesus spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes” (John 9:6). Now there’s something you don’t expect to read in the Bible: Jesus spitting. A prayer would’ve seemed appropriate, perhaps a “hallelujah!” But who expected a heavenly spit into the dirt? The God who sent manna and fire dispatched a blob of saliva. And as calmly as a painter spackles a hole in the wall, Jesus streaked miracle mud on the man’s eyes.

Sometimes God uses the less-than-pleasant. He initiates the miracle through “mud moments”: layoffs, letdowns, and bouts of loneliness. Can you relate? If so, do not assume that Jesus is absent or oblivious to your struggle. Just the opposite. He is using it to reveal himself to you. He wants you to see him. Remember friend, you are never alone.

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