Topic: MISSION UN-STOPPABLE – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 26 September 2020 -

Topic: MISSION UN-STOPPABLE  – Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry 26 September 2020

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‘(Jesus) said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”’ – Mark 16:15-16

September 26, 2020

A little over 2,000 years ago, Jesus gathered His twelve disciples and gave them this mission: Take the Gospel to every people group on earth. Slightly overwhelming right? Imagine how those ordinary men, many of whom had never set foot outside of the Judean region, must have felt. And yet, Christ gave all His followers the same mission. This mission, however, wasn’t just for the twelve disciples, but for every follower of Jesus. So for those willing, how do we respond?

  1. LOVE God. This is to be the driving purpose in life. No matter where life takes us or what obstacles we face, we are to love God with all our “heart, soul, and mind.” (Luke 10:27)
  2. WORSHIP God. Worship can be broken into two parts: daily personal worship and corporate worship with other believers. Both are vitally important for growing in our relationship with Christ. Both help us understand and pursue God’s call for our lives – our life’s mission.
  3. SHARE the Gospel. When we love and worship God, we are better able to share Christ with others. This can mean starting a faith conversation with a neighbor or family member. It can mean sharing part of your faith journey or testimony with a co-worker. It can even mean deciding to take part in a mission trip with your church.
  4. WALK with new believers.Discipling” is the term for how Jesus walked with, taught, and encouraged His disciples. As we share the Gospel with others and take part in the same mission that Jesus’ own disciples embarked upon, we, too, are called to disciple new believers in how to walk with Jesus. This means teaching new believers how to live out God’s written Word in their everyday life.

We may not all be a Paul – a world-traveling missionary preaching and teaching the Gospel to the masses – but for the Christian, we are all called to take part in this unstoppable mission to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others. It has been said – a Christian is either a missionary or an imposter. What will it be for you?

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