Topic: “MODESTY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 23 June 2020 -

Topic: “MODESTY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 23 June 2020

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READ: Deuteronomy 18:3-5

Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.” – James 4:10

Tithing Christians fulfil the law of humility, which creates wealth. Wealth comes from God. Blessing comes from God. When a person tithes, he demonstrates his recognition of the God-factor in his very existence. He demonstrates his respect for God’s input in his life. He declares his gratitude to God for helping him. A person who tithes therefore fulfils the law of humility.

Humility has been shown to be an important factor in wealth creation. Arrogant wealthy empires have crumbled through their pride. Political parties have lost their power through pride and complacency. Successful companies have been wiped out when the management lost their original humble attitudes.

Paying tithes helps you remember that you did not make it on your own. Paying tithes causes you to bow your knees to your Creator each time you receive money. Paying tithes causes you to humble yourself before a priest whom you may have otherwise despised. Many arrogant and rich people have no time for priests or pastors. They see them as hyenas and vultures scavenging for the scraps of the successful and wealthy. When wealthy people have to pay tithes for the upkeep of these “irrelevant members of society”, it will help them to stay humble. Any businessman who stays humble will generate wealth for himself. Any Christian who maintains a humble attitude will create wealth for himself. Paying tithes forces you to humbly submit to the priest and the pastor of the day for your own good.

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