
Topic: MOMENTARY FOOL– Right From The Heart Daily Devotional by Bryant Wright Ministry  4 OCTOBER  2024

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October 04, 2024

Jonathan Munson, Executive Director, RFTH

“The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”
Psalm 14:1

Do you believe in God?

It’s a fundamental question, and our answer impacts every facet of our lives. 

Well, roughly 7% of the world’s population are self-described ‘atheists,’ people who don’t believe that God exists. Maybe you know someone like this. Maybe they’re in your family or work in your office. To them, God is nothing more than a figment of your imagination or perhaps something man invented to oppress other people. 

When reading the opening verse of Psalm 14, we might be tempted to think it doesn’t apply to the 93% of us who believe in God.  

Nothing could be further from the truth.  

In his book, The Christian Atheist, Craig Groeschel describes ways that followers of Jesus often act like atheists.  In other words, we believe in God but live like He doesn’t exist.  While our formal theology affirms our belief in God’s existence, our practical, everyday theology, that is, the theology that we actually live by, often affirms the complete opposite.  Essentially, we say our faith is in God but then live as if everything is up to us.  

This is not the way it’s supposed to be.

Let me share some of the ways I often act like a Christian Atheist:

• I make life all about me and not all about Him. 

• I say I believe in prayer but then struggle to pray consistently.

• I rely on my own strength rather than the strength of the Spirit. 

• I give into temptation, rejecting the authority of God’s Word. 

• I live for earthly rewards instead of eternal rewards. 

Everything I just described is what the Bible calls “foolish” behavior. We tend to think that “fools” are dumb or intellectually inferior. Not true. In fact, many so-called “fools” are incredibly smart, even brilliant. 

You see, according to Scripture, a “fool” is anyone who stubbornly denies the existence of God and then chooses to live as if He doesn’t exist. So, even atheists who are extremely intelligent are “fools” in the biblical sense of the word. 

But…make no mistake about it. There are two kinds of fools: 

  1. Those who persistently deny God’s existence.  
  2. Those who momentarily deny God’s existence.

If you think about it, even those of us who believe in God act like fools from time to time, momentarily behaving like God isn’t real. We are momentary “fools.” Christian Atheists.

Think back over the past few days.

In some form or fashion, haven’t you acted like a “fool?”

Good grief, the other day, I completely flew off the handle on a telemarketer who called at dinnertime. I mean, does “Love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39),” not apply to telemarketers? Of course, it does! What was I thinking?!  

The truth is, I wasn’t thinking. I was too busy acting like a fool and momentarily living like God isn’t real. 

If you can relate to my momentary foolish behavior, I have good news. Jesus gave His life for all kinds of “fools.” Because that’s exactly what sin does to you and me; it turns us into fools. And foolishness infects both atheists and Christians alike. 

In Romans 3:10-18, the Apostle Paul quotes the first three verses of Psalm 14. He then writes, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Romans 3:23,24).  

Rejoice, Christian; even when you act like a fool, you are covered in the righteousness you’ve received by faith in Jesus Christ (Romans 3:23a). 

Do you believe this?  

I mean, really believe it?

Do you believe that God is real and that He sent His Son to die on the cross for your sins and then rose from the grave so that you can experience everlasting life with Him, both now and forever?

Well…do you?

If so, then stop acting like a Christian Atheist. Don’t allow your heart to say…even for a split second… “There is no God” (Romans 14:1). 

Let go of your foolish tendencies and live out your faith in every area of your life. 

Who knows?  

Maybe your friend who doesn’t believe in God will see something different in you and come to place their faith in Jesus.


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