Topic: Mothers Know Best: Mary, Mother of John Mark [David Jeremiah Ministry 8 May 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Mothers Know Best: Mary, Mother of John Mark

MAY 8, 2021

He came to the house of Mary, the mother of John whose surname was Mark, where many were gathered together praying.
Acts 12:12

 Recommended Reading: Acts 12:11-17

Modern visitors to Jerusalem can visit the Burnt House, the ruins of a palatial home in a once wealthy section of Jerusalem. The city was destroyed by the Romans in A.D. 70, and the house was burned. Excavations, however, give us a clear idea of what wealthy homes were like in the days of Jesus. 

One of those ancient homes belonged to a woman named Mary, whose son, John Mark, wrote the second Gospel. She was a woman of prayer who opened her large home to the early Christians. In Acts 12, a group of believers gathered in prayer there for Peter, who had been arrested and condemned. God answered their prayers in a way that surprised them.

When our homes are filled with the atmosphere of prayer, it yields a power that surprises us. For many couples, praying together seems awkward at first. Most anything feels awkward the first time it’s tried, but soon the clumsiness fades away. As the days pass, prayer can become as natural as breathing—and as essential.

Praying together foreshadows our heavenly future when we will join that “great multitude that no one could number.”

Megan Hill


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: 2 Chronicles 1 – 7

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