Topic: Mothers Know Best: Ruth [David Jeremiah Ministry 22 May 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Mothers Know Best: Ruth

MAY 22, 2021

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Ruth grew up in a pagan land, one condemned by God—Moab, just across the Jordan from Israel. She fell in love with a Jewish boy whose family had moved into the area during a famine. When he died, she was a young widow. Because of the influence of her mother-in-law, Naomi, Ruth longed for a relationship with God. She returned with Naomi to Bethlehem, where she met and married Boaz. Their child, Obed, became the father of Jesse and the grandfather of King David. Amazingly, this widow from a pagan land became a link in the Messianic genealogy of Jesus Christ.

Perhaps as a mother or father, you feel hindered by your background. Maybe you came from a dysfunctional or broken home. There might be sorrow in your past. Instead of longing your background was better, do as Ruth did. Give yourself totally to God and start where you are, under the wings of the One who gives you refuge and can give you a mighty legacy.

Opportunities don’t present themselves in ideal circumstances. If you wait for all the lights to turn green, you will never leave your driveway.

John Maxwell

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