Topic: “MYSTERY” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 22 April 2020

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READ: Genesis 12:1-10

Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:” – Ephesians 1:9

The perfect will of God is mysterious, to say the least. Following the will of God can make you look odd and weird. But you will not shy away from the perfect will of God if you understand that the will of God is essentially mysterious in its nature.

A mysterious thing has strange and often inexplicable features. It is not easily understood and it is often misunderstood. People misunderstand God and often think that He is trying to pull them down or destroy them when He presents His will for their lives. They cannot fathom this wonderful and mysterious will of the Lord. When you understand that the will of God is mysterious, you will not be afraid of it or reject it.

There are certain things we do to secure our future. Certainly, forsaking your country and your family and launching out into the desert is not one of the ways to secure a great future. Mysteriously, that was the way.

Abraham was going to become internationally famous. The mystery of the will of God can be shown in how God gave Abraham a great name on earth with a lasting heritage in Heaven when he walked out into the insecurity and uncertainty of the will of God. Abraham mysteriously acquired a great name for himself and got himself into Heaven. How did he do this? “… but the one who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:17, NASB). By simply forsaking the security he had from his country and his family, Abraham embraced the security of walking with God.

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