Topic: Never Alone [David Jeremiah Ministry 13 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: Never Alone [David Jeremiah Ministry 13 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Never Alone

AUGUST 13, 2021

Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.
John 16:32

 Recommended Reading: John 16:31-33

In 1913, when William Howard Taft welcomed his successor, Woodrow Wilson, to the White House, he warned Wilson that the presidency was “the loneliest place in the world.” Wilson would later write, “I never dreamed such loneliness and desolation of heart possible.”

We don’t often think of leaders as being lonely—but it happened to the apostle Paul. In his second Roman imprisonment, he was confined in the dreadful Mamertine prison in Rome, from which he penned his second letter to Timothy. He had sent some co-laborers to other fields (2 Timothy 4:10) but had been deserted by everyone but Luke (4:11, 16). He longed to see Timothy and Mark (4:11). Was anyone with Paul when he died by beheading? We don’t know of any human coworkers who were there. But we know that God was with him.

No matter how alone we may be or feel, God continues to pour out His love for us by the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:3-5). Be assured He is with you, even at this moment.

One trouble with being an atheist is that you have nobody to talk to when you are alone.

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