Topic: “NEW BIRTH” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 2 January 2021

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Read : John 3:1-21

Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out…” – Acts 3:19

Some people are very principled and will not cheat you, even if they have the opportunity to do so. I had a friend in school like that who would just look at me with an expressionless face whenever I talked to him about Christ. I have found it more difficult to bring to Christ, someone who is principled and has good morals! Being principled is not the same as being born again.

Hard-core sinners are more aware that they need God. A young man told me, “Pastor, I can’t live without prostitutes! I must visit the prostitutes at least twice a day.” Such a person is more likely to think that he needs to be born again. On the other hand, a very principled person sees no reason why he must be saved. His excuse is often, “Why should I change? I am a good person.”

Having good morals is not the same as being born again. I once spoke to an unbeliever, who belonged to an occult group. He told me he had been married for 17 years but had never been unfaithful to his wife, even though she could not have a child. This is a test many born-again Christians may not be able to pass. You would find that men would commonly divorce their barren wives in order to have a child. But listen, being such a moralist does not mean you are born again.

I congratulate you for your morality, but I must still inform you that you must be born again! Nicodemus was a moralist, which is why he was so surprised when Jesus told him that he needed to be born again.

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