Topic: New Covenant = New Grace [Joyce Meyer Devotional 20 OCTOBER 2020]

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For this is My blood of the new covenant, which [ratifies the agreement and] is being poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.— Matthew 26:28 (AMPC)

The new covenant we’re living by now is something to be forever grateful for. It’s a better covenant that is far superior to the old. The old covenant was kept with the blood of animals, but the new was finalized with the sinless blood of Jesus Christ. Under this new covenant, Jesus fulfilled or kept all of the Law of the old covenant and died to pay for all our sins and mistakes, and we can now live an abundant, godly life by His grace.

Jesus took the punishment that we deserved and promised that if we would believe in Him and accept what He did for us, He would forever stand in our place, and our responsibility to keep the Law would be fully met in Him. The old covenant focused on what man could do, but the new covenant focuses on what God has done for us in Jesus Christ. Thank You, Jesus!

(Note: If you’d like to study this further, read Hebrews 8 and 9!)

Prayer Starter: Father, thank You that I can live in the powerful, freeing work of Your new covenant. Thank You for loving me enough to send Jesus to pay for my sins and so I could live in an intimate, personal relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, amen

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