Topic: “NEW THINGS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 September 2021 -

Topic:  “NEW THINGS” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 8 September 2021

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READ: Luke 5:33-39

“Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it?…” – Isaiah 43:19

The world is constantly changing. Old systems and approaches no longer work. Computers have re fashioned the way we do things. Seasons change. Our needs change, and people change. That is why God constantly introduces fresh and new things.

I am very open to new ideas. I do not mind changing things I have been doing in a particular way for a long time. I find that God is a God of positive change! God is a God of improvement!

I notice how people laugh at me when I suggest new ideas. I have heard these statements and sensed these messages even when they are not voiced out.

Openness to new ideas is a secret to moving ahead as a leader. God is a God of change. He is doing new things. Embrace new ideas with honesty. Try a new method. A new way of doing things may be the key to pushing you out ahead of everyone else in your field. When I practised the lay ministry, I didn’t do it because I saw others doing it. I did it because it needed to be done even though it was new. I am following my heavenly Father who is a God of new things. Be like your heavenly Father. There is no better mentor.

God does new things; He has new projects, new schemes, new ideas, new plans. God gives brand new instructions to His servants (John 13:34). Every instruction has an expiry date. God makes us into brand new people who have never existed before (1 Corinthians 5:17).

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