Topic:  No Dislocation – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 26 November 2021 

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No Dislocation

26th November 2021

Scripture Reading: Judges 6: 1-14


“1. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the LORD: and the LORD delivered them into the hand of Midian seven years. 2. And the hand of Midian prevailed against Israel…” (Judges 6: 1-2)

When the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord, they were delivered into the hands of Midian for seven years. So they were not originally in the hands of Midian. Their wrong actions positioned them in the hands of Midian. Their wrong actions dislocated them and positioned them where their enemies could prevail over them. Their error positioned them in a place where they became victims. They changed location to the wrong place, and what ought not to happen began to happen.

Also Read: Open Heaven 26 November 2021 – Topic: THE BLESSING OF FORGIVENESS

Friend, when the enemy wants to make a mess of your destiny, he changes your location. When the enemy wants to reduce your destiny, he brings you to a point where you can disconnect yourself from where God already placed you. When you allow your destiny to be located wrongly, the hands of the enemy will have the upper hand in your life. When you allow yourself to be dislocated from where God placed you, you are making yourself available to the enemy for affliction.

Ordinarily, the hands of Midian should not have prevailed over the children of Israel, but it prevailed against them because they sinned against God. What they did to hurt their walk with God, opened the doors of affliction and negativity. When the enemy is pressing you to walk in error and play down on your walk with God, he is simply asking you to help him to destroy you. When you make your walk with God less of a priority, you are making your reduction and destruction a higher priority.

God did not redeem you so that you can play around the enemy. Your only business with the enemy is to crush his activities. Your only business with the serpent is to bruise his head. Your only relationship with the gates of hell is to make sure you prevail. Your only business with the works of the enemy is to destroy it. If it will make you a victim of the enemy, walk away. If it will become a snare to your soul and position you for reduction, walk away.

Don’t use your errors to position yourself where the enemy can finally close the chapters of greatness that God ordained for you. Don’t position yourself for downfall.


I am of the breed that will not operate in the hands of the enemy; I leave wrong locations, in Jesus’ name!

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