Topic:  No Fear – Devotional for Married Couples By Dr James Dobson 16 November 2021 

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“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.”  John 14:1

When Focus on the Family was in its early stages and our children were young, Jim often traveled. One night when he was away, I awoke with a start at 2 A.M. I was afraid and didn’t know why. After a few minutes of worrying, I forced myself out of bed and sank to my knees on the floor.

“Oh, Lord,” I prayed, “I don’t know why I’m so frightened. I ask You to watch over our home and protect our family. Send Your guardian angel to be with us.” I climbed back into bed and fell asleep about a half hour later.

The next morning one of our teenage neighbors ran over from across the street. “Mrs. Dobson, did you hear what happened? A burglar robbed your next‐door neighbor’s house last night!” It was true. A thief had bro‐ken in and escaped with the family’s vacation money, about $500. Then my neighbor told me that the police had determined the time of the robbery—about 2 A.M., the same time I had awakened in fear!

Also Read: Open Heaven 16 November 2021 –Topic: EQUIPPED TO SERVE 

My mind reeled at the thought. “If a burglar wanted to break into our house,” I said, “he would probably try to get in through the bathroom window near our children’s bedrooms. Let’s go look.” We walked to the window and saw that the screen was bent and the window sill splintered. Someone had indeed tried to break in. What had stopped him?

I am convinced that God protected us that night through my pan‐icked prayer. In a frantic moment my trust was tested and God again proved faithful. I can’t explain why He sometimes allows us to experi‐ence fearful situations even though we are praying. But I know that even in those threatening circumstances, He is “an ever‐present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). That is why we can say, with the psalmist, “We will not fear. . . . The Lord Almighty is with us” (Psalm 46:2, 7).
– Shirley M Dobson

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