Topic: No Matter the Illness [David Jeremiah Ministry 11 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries] -

Topic: No Matter the Illness [David Jeremiah Ministry 11 August 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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No Matter the Illness

AUGUST 11, 2021

The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness; You will sustain him on his sickbed.
Psalm 41:3

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 41

After Billy Graham’s death at age 99, his last will and testament was made public. He said, “I ask my children and grandchildren to maintain and defend at all hazards and at any cost of personal sacrifice the blessed doctrine of complete atonement for sin through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ once offered, and through that alone. I urge all of you to walk with the Lord in a life of separation from the world and to keep eternal values in view.”

Then he wrote, “When you read this I will be safely with Jesus in Paradise. I will be awaiting the reunion of our family in Heaven.”[1]

No matter what sickness we may face on earth, we can leave behind a testimony and joyfully look forward to a glorious Paradise. What a reunion, when we meet on the golden streets of the Celestial City! The Lord is preparing a place for us. His Holy Spirit will strengthen and sustain us in illness, and His blessed Word will prepare us for our eternal habitation.

I urge all who shall read this document to read and study the Scriptures daily and to trust only in the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.

Billy Graham, in his last will and testament

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