Topic: No More Tears: God Sees Our Tears [David Jeremiah Ministry 15 August 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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No More Tears: God Sees Our Tears

AUGUST 15, 2020

Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Psalm 126:5

 Recommended Reading: Psalm 126

There are many kinds of tears. Some come from chopping onions. Others come from a fit of laughter. A sad movie can turn on the water works. Even smoke from a campfire can make our eyes water. Babies begin their lives with tears. Tears are important for lubricating our eyes and flushing away debris. 

But when we think of tears, we usually think of burdens. God sees our tears as seeds. Each tear shed in grief, disappointment, pain, or emotional distress is like a seed that falls from our eyes and lands in the garden of God’s grace. He knows the meaning behind every drop, and none of them are unnoticed by Him.

In the same way that Romans 8:28 tells us that all things will work together for our good, Psalm 126:5 tells us that somehow our tears will produce a harvest of joy. How can that be? We don’t fully understand the scope of God’s grace, the power of His providence, and the depths of His mercy. But every promise in the Bible is true, so you can adopt Psalm 126:5 as your own today.

Look unto Jesus even through your tears.

Dr. Joseph Parker


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Jeremiah 37 – 43

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