Topic:  No Satanic Monitor – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 9 December 2021  -

Topic:  No Satanic Monitor – Streams Of Joy International Daily Devotional By Pastor Jerry Uchechukwu Eze 9 December 2021 

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No Satanic Monitor

8th December 2021

Scripture Reading: Judges 6: 1-14


“And they encamped against them, and destroyed the increase of the earth, till thou come unto Gaza, and left no sustenance for Israel, neither sheep, nor ox, nor ass.” (Judges 6: 4)

Our Focal Scripture speaks of how the enemies of Israel encamped against Israel at the time of their harvest. Whenever Israel had sown, their enemies showed up and encamped against them whilst waiting for their harvest to come forth. These enemies were monitoring Israel to check for sings of harvest and destroy same as soon as they came up. They were monitoring to ensure that there was no sustenance left for Israel.

Also Read: Open Heaven 8 December 2021 –Topic: BLESSINGS OF UNITY 

Friend, hear me as I hear the Lord: every evil eye that is monitoring your destiny in order to make a mess of your harvest once it comes up, I close it by fire. I shut every evil eye that wants to make a mess of your success. I shut every evil eye that wants to make you a victim. I shut every evil eye that is monitoring you to engineer your downfall. I shut every evil eye that is feeding your enemies with information they could use against you.

Hear me as I hear the Lord: every eye that is looking at you for evil, to execute wicked plots against you, let the hand of the Lord interrupt them by fire. Every person that has been monitoring you in order to spoil your party, let their wickedness return to them. Let every monitoring spirit that wants to retain negativity around you be swallowed. Let every monitoring agent that wants to spoil your future be consumed by the fire of God.

The last time I checked, God only promised for goodness and mercy to follow you. No enemies of your destiny are permitted to follow you. No messenger of darkness is permitted to follow you. No power of darkness is permitted to follow you. No messenger from the pit of hell is permitted to follow you. No evil eye is meant to keep viewing your destiny either from far or near. No encampment of negativity is permitted.

The days of being monitored by the forces of hell, are over. No enchantment or divination of darkness will prevail over you.


Every evil eye monitoring my destiny, go blind by fire, in Jesus’ name!

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