Topic: Not One Word Has Failed [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 27 October 2021]

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Not One Word Has Failed

Oct 27, 2021

Today’s Scripture

1 Kings 8:56, NLTPraise the LORD who has given rest to his people Israel, just as he promised. Not one word has failed of all the wonderful promises he gave through his servant Moses.

Today’s Word

We all face situations that look like they’ll never change. We have bigger things in our spirit, and we know what God promised, but it seems like we’ve reached our limit in our career. Our bank account says we’re stuck. When we look at the medical report or at a broken relationship, there’s no sign of it improving. But the Scripture says, “The things we see now will soon be gone” (2 Cor. 4:18). What we see is subject to change according to what God promises in His Word. You can’t be moved by what you see; you have to be moved by what you know He says.

Are you believing what you’re seeing, or are you believing what you’re reading in God’s Word? What you see may be lack and struggle, but what God is speaking to you is abundance, healing, breakthroughs, and new levels. Don’t reduce what God’s promised you to fit your faith. Stretch your faith and come up to His level. Every word He promises will come to pass.

Also Read: Open Heaven 27 October 2021 Topic: UNGODLY SORROW LEADS TO DAMNATION

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for all the wonderful promises You have given to me in Your Word. Thank You that the things that I see today that are less than what You’ve promised are only temporary and subject to change. I believe You will fulfill every word You have spoken. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

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