Topic: “NOT TRUE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 August 2020 -

Topic: “NOT TRUE” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 5 August 2020

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READ: Acts 23:12-35

The Jews joined in the accusation, asserting that these things were true” Acts 24:9, NIV

Satan desires to stop you from doing the good works God has called you to. One of the most effective ways is to find something to accuse you of. After planting several churches in Europe, I was accused of so many different evils. Years of hearing negative things eventually took their toll on me. I lost interest in Europe and did not want to plant churches there anymore.

One time I was in a particular city in Switzerland. A group of people who wanted us to start a church there had gathered to meet with me. As they spoke earnestly of their desire to have a church in the city, I looked at them suspiciously.

I thought to myself, “These very people will turn against me and accuse me of coming here to hunt for money.”

I mused, “They are the same as the other accusers in those European cities. It is just a matter of time before they point the finger at me.

I decided not to start the church there. “They don’t deserve it,” I concluded.

Later on, I realized that I had stopped church planting because of accusations.

When Satan wants to stop you, he has one weapon that works: accusation, accusation, accusation! It will stop you in your tracks!

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