Topic: Obedience Changes Everything [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 23 June 2021] -

Topic: Obedience Changes Everything [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 23 June 2021]

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Obedience Changes Everything

Luke 5:8-11

Yesterday we read that Peter said yes and then let down his nets. And today we see how the soon-to-be apostle’s plans were irrevocably changed. Fishing was put on hold, and Peter became a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Obedience to God never disappoints. Jesus filled Peter’s empty nets with an enormous catch and made him into a “fisher of men.” God can do this with our finances, relationships, or
any other area of our life—but He does so in His way and for His purposes.

Obeying God makes His power evident in our life. Peter’s “yes” allowed him to witness a miracle. He could have looked at his to-do list and said, “I’m too busy,” or he could have pointed out that he was a fisherman and knew better. But Peter agreed and witnessed the power of God—first in that boat and later in his own life.

Obedience helps us understand God and ourselves. Having seen the miracle of the full nets, Peter gained fresh insight into who Jesus was and, by contrast, how he himself was a sinful man. Eventually, he came to acknowledge Jesus as the Christ (Matt. 16:13-17).

What is God asking of you today? Listen carefully, say yes, and watch what He accomplishes in and through you.

Bible in One Year: Psalm 67-70

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