Topic: Obedient to God [Charles Stanley Daily Devotional 17 November 2020]

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Obedient to God

Acts 5:27-42

Sometimes obeying the Lord is difficult and costly. In some areas of the world, Christians are even persecuted for their faith. When Peter and the apostles were ordered to stop teaching about Jesus, they appealed to a higher authority, saying, “We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). What motivated them to follow the Lord with such conviction?

  • God’s Sovereignty. The disciples recognized that God had carried out His divine plan of redemption through Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. Convinced that salvation was found in Christ alone, they had the courage to speak boldly about their faith. They did exactly what Jesus commissioned them to do and trusted Him to handle the consequences according to His good and perfect will.
  • Thankfulness. The apostles’ obedience was also motivated by gratitude to God. Even after being flogged for their faithfulness to Christ, they rejoiced that they were considered worthy to suffer shame for His sake and kept right on preaching.

Since God has rescued us from the bondage of sin, forgiven us, and brought us into His family, grateful obedience should be our response, too. Each day is an opportunity to acknowledge His sovereignty over our life and to trust Him.

Bible in One Year: Acts 18-20

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