Topic: On the Run? – Daily Devotional by Greg Laurie Ministry 20 April 2020 -

Topic: On the Run? – Daily Devotional by Greg Laurie Ministry 20 April 2020

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 “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”—James 4:7 Are you running from God? Maybe you were raised in a Christian home, and you’re running from that. You’re saying, “I don’t want these values. I don’t want to live this way. I want to live my way. My family doesn’t know what they’re talking about.” And off you go.How’s that working out for you? God will give us the freedom to make our own choices. And He will allow us to experience the repercussions of those choices.Jonah found out that it was a really bad idea to run from God. The others on the ship called out to their gods, and ultimately Jonah called out to his God.Would you rather have a nice easy flight and a crash landing, or a bumpy flight and a safe landing?For nonbelievers, life on Earth is as good as it will get. That’s it. If Jesus Christ isn’t a part of their lives, it will get a lot worse.But for the Christian, life on Earth is as bad as it ever will be, because the best is yet to come.When Jesus told the disciples to go to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, a terrible storm hit. But they did make it to the other side.Some people in life seem to have no suffering at all. Then there are others who seem to have more than their share of suffering. Why is this?I don’t know. But I do know this: There is more than life on Earth. There is eternity.As Christians, ultimately. we will live happily ever after. But there might be some rough seas along the way.God loves you. His plans for you are better than your plans for yourself. So, don’t run from Him. Run to Him.

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