Topic:  Our Journey of Discovery - Daily Treasure devotionals - 16 July    2022 -

Topic:  Our Journey of Discovery – Daily Treasure devotionals – 16 July    2022

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Our Journey of Discovery

Marie Monville, Guest Writer


Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know (Jeremiah 33:3).

I’m not the person I thought I was growing up. I’m not that little girl, wide-eyed, full of wonder, filled with the expectation that life would go the way she planned, but it’s not all bad. I’ve discovered things about myself that I wouldn’t have looked for if life were “easier.” I wouldn’t have looked for this version of me, and I certainly wouldn’t have looked for this kind of relationship with God. But I love it. I love the way I’ve discovered more of who I am, this version that He created, and the relationship He always wanted to have with me.

There are things that we discover on our journey through brokenness that are rich and full; they fill us. They change us. They are beautiful. I’ve discovered that I’m stronger than I ever thought. I’m brave. And my heart desperately wants to help others find those things in their brokenness too. I know what it’s like to walk through the greatest pain and find transformation in it.  

If you had told me, on October 1, 2006, what the next few weeks of my life would hold, I would have said that there was no way I could survive those circumstances. I wouldn’t have thought myself capable of living through them, much less discovering anything beautiful. And I was right, but God. But God sees more, and He does more than we could ever imagine. That’s just who He is. He brings life as we walk out places that feel like nothing more than death.  

He shows us things about ourselves and about our relationship with Him, that we wouldn’t have reached for without the brokenness. Our moments of desperation force us on a journey of discovery. Our despair drives us to search for something, anything to give us hope and when we uncover it, that is, when we meet Jesus, it’s as if we’ve found some ancient, buried treasure.  

Also Read: Open Heaven 16 July   2022 Daily Devotional By Pastor E. A. Adeboye –WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE OF VIRTUE 

I see my scars, but they do not define me. They remind me of the battle, but the battle does not define me. Hard days do not define me.  Piercing pain does not define me. The definition of my life comes when I add all the days together, all of the hard days, all of the great days, and all of the days in between. The sum I get from this kind of addition doesn’t make sense in mathematical terms. It only works because of who God is and the way He takes our pitiful, broken pieces, and creates something breathtakingly beautiful with them. If He can do that in my life, then He can totally do that in yours! The Lord gives me eyes to see the sum of my life as He views it and He gives you the same ability to choose what you will focus on.

When you know Jesus, there’s something exceptionally beautiful buried deep within you.  You are wonderfully made (Psalm 139). There are strengths and gifts; hidden characteristics of who you are that you haven’t yet discovered. Sometimes it’s in the darkness the Lord shines His light on those very treasures. This world needs you to share those gifts. You will experience blessings when you share as well. It may be too soon to think about what you have to offer, the pain blinds you to the possibilities but hold tight to God’s view of you, His child, and His creation, fearfully and wonderfully made to glorify Him. One day you will offer to others the hope He instilled within you.


Today is a day to embrace the journey of discovery, to ask God to help you see the things you can’t find right now. To show you more of who you are as His creation, who He is, and how He is reflected in you. Ask him to lead you on this journey of discovery. Whether today or tomorrow or weeks, months from now, commit to discovering and embracing His purposes for your life in the context of your brokenness.


Join me in this prayer: “God I choose to believe that I am more than my scars and that You have more to show me. I choose to believe that You are my good Father. You invite me to see how You love me through the gift of Jesus. I trust You will lead and guide my heart on this new adventure.  I’m ready, show me more!”  


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