Topic: Our Two Great Treasures [David Jeremiah Ministry 20 July 2020 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Our Two Great Treasures

JULY 20, 2020

But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them.
Acts 16:25

 Recommended Reading: Colossians 3:14-17

As Christians, we have two great treasure troves of devotional and theological richness—our Scriptures and our songs. The Scriptures are infallible; our hymns are fallible, but valuable. They are an endless source of joy for worshipers.

The Bible tells us to worship God with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19). When we do so, we’re tuning to a divine frequency. We are using the gift of music to enable our prayers, our praises, and our proclamations.

We enjoy new songs for their freshness and exuberance. But we appreciate the older hymns because they have stood the test of time and, have become lodged in our memory so we’ll have a lifelong internal collection of praises to reflect upon.

But everything must be based on the infallible Word of God. Some Christians keep a hymnal on their desk beside their Bibles. When you have the message of God and the music of God—you have a life of worship.

Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music.

Martin Luther


 Read-Thru-the-Bible: Isaiah 20=-24

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