Topic: Outlast the Opposition [Joel Osteen Ministries – Today’s Word 2 June 2021]

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Outlast the Opposition

Jun 02, 2021

Today’s Scripture

Matthew 24:13, NLTBut the one who endures to the end will be saved.

Today’s Word

Sometimes you wonder why the challenges you’re facing are not changing. You’re being your best, but nothing is improving. A principle of Scripture says that he who endures to the end will be saved. You have to outlast the opposition. Don’t worry about defeating it because if you just outlast it, you’re going to see the victory. God is going to defeat what’s trying to hold you back. You keep honoring God with an attitude of faith, and you won’t have to fight. God will move the wrong people out of the way. He’ll open a door that you couldn’t open. Outlast the sickness, outlast the injustice, outlast the trouble at work, outlast the loneliness.

In the Scripture, David spent years fleeing from King Saul before he was made king over Judah. David never defeated Saul; he simply outlasted him. You have to tap into that staying power. Don’t give up along the way. Don’t get discouraged because it’s taking longer than you thought. Your time is coming.

Prayer for Today

Father, thank You for the promise that if I keep honoring You with an attitude of enduring faith, You will bring me through to victory. Thank You that I can tap into staying power to outlast whatever is coming against me. I believe that my time is coming. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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