Topic: Overcoming Failure with Faith [Joyce Meyer Devotional 25 September 2021] -

Topic: Overcoming Failure with Faith [Joyce Meyer Devotional 25 September 2021]

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Recalling unceasingly before our God and Father your work energized by faith and service motivated by love and unwavering hope in [the return of] our Lord Jesus Christ (the Messiah).— 1 Thessalonians 1:3 (AMPC)View Previous Devotional SEPTEMBER 25, 2021

Overcoming Failure with Faith

God’s Word encourages us to have an active faith, and by doing so we shut the door to laziness, procrastination, and passivity. You are more powerful than you may realize. God has given you free will, and that means you can decide to act on, think, and speak what is right, and nothing can stop you.

It takes time to train yourself to think, speak, and act positively, and you may not succeed every day. If you realize you have failed, don’t waste time being discouraged; just pick up where you left off and begin again. Be kind to yourself because beating yourself up for every mistake is just the result of another negative thought that needs to be eliminated.

When you decide to act in favor of God’s ways, He always joins forces with you for assured victory.

Prayer Starter: Father, help me to walk in active faith to overcome any and all failures. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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