Topic: Part of the Process [Joyce Meyer Devotional 28 August 2020]

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You must submit to and endure [correction] for discipline; God is dealing with you as with sons. For what son is there whom his father does not [thus] train and correct and discipline?— Hebrews 12:7 (AMPC)

I said something about someone yesterday that I should not have said. I was talking about a fault I think they have, but God’s Word teaches us to cover other people’s faults in love (see 1 Peter 4:8 NIV). After I said it, I immediately felt the conviction of the Holy Spirit, which nudged me to repent and get back on track.

Receiving correction and discipline from God is necessary for spiritual growth. God corrects us because He loves us and wants so much for us to be all that we can be in Him. Just like discipline from a loving parent is crucial in order for a child to grow and develop into a healthy adult, so correction from our heavenly Father is vital in order for us to grow into the men and women that He wants us to be.

I want to encourage you to receive God’s correction graciously, because it’s always meant for your good. Thank Him that He cares enough about you to help you grow, and refuse to feel condemned when you sense the Holy Spirit convicting you about something. It’s actually a good thing—being able to feel conviction is a sign that you’re spiritually alive and growing!

Prayer Starter:Father, please help me to always receive Your correction with the right attitude, and help me apply it to my life so I can grow. Thank You for taking the time to redirect and correct me when I’m veering off course! In Jesus’ Name, amen

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