Topic: “PARTING” – Daily Devotional By Dag Heward-Mills Ministry 20 June 2020

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READ: Galatians 2:20

But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.” – Galatians 6:14

A cross releases the power that enables people to crucify the world to themselves.

Today, people that belong in the world are found mingling freely in the house of the Lord. Unbelievers feel at home in the church because the church makes no demands for sacrifice or for change.

The desires of the world and the goals of worldly people have become the desires and goals of the church. Pastors desire to be rich executives like managers of worldly companies. Women desire to dress and look like the models they see on television. The prevalent rates of immorality, fornication and HIV in the world are the same as in the church. Why is this?

Why is the world apposed to the church? Why are the aims, goals, aspirations dreams of the average Christian the same as the goals and aspirations of demonized unbelievers in the world? Why have we become so worldly?

Because the cross has been thrown out of the church and has been replaced with flowers, decorations and projectors. The cross of Jesus Christ released the power through which separation from the world could take place. Through the teaching of sacrifice and death to the world and its pleasures, Christians will once again rise up with the power to be separate from the world, its desires, its attractions and its ideals.

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