Topic: Perfect in Christ [Joyce Meyer Devotional 17 May 2021]

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You, therefore, must be perfect [growing into complete maturity of godliness in mind and character, having reached the proper height of virtue and integrity], as your heavenly Father is perfect.— Matthew 5:48 (AMPC)

We have a command (or perhaps it is a promise) in Matthew 5:48: Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect (NIV). Because God is perfect and is working in us, we can also look forward to sharing in His perfection.

The apostle Paul said although he had not already been made perfect, he pressed on toward the goal. He then said those of us who are imperfect should be thus minded, to let go of what was behind us (mistakes) and press on. In essence, he was saying that in God’s eyes, by faith in Jesus Christ, he was perfect, yet he was not totally perfected (see Phil. 3:12–15). 

We must learn to see ourselves in Christ, not in ourselves. Corrie ten Boom taught that if you look at the world, you will be oppressed; if you look at yourself, you will be depressed; but if you look at Jesus, you will be at rest. How true it is that if we look at ourselves—at what we are in our own abilities—we cannot be anything except depressed and totally discouraged. But when we look to Christ, the Author and Finisher (perfecter) of our faith, we can enter His rest and believe He is continually working in us (Heb. 12:2 NIV). 

We always say, “Nobody is perfect.” What we mean is that nobody manifests perfect behavior, and that is a correct statement. Our behavior, however, is quite different from our identities. 

The Bible says that faith in Jesus makes us righteous, but in our actions, we don’t always do the right thing. I have said for years, “Our who is different than our do.” We don’t do everything right, but God always loves us. He always sees us “in Christ,” through our faith in Him, and He views us as perfect in Christ while we are still being changed by His power. 

Trust Him that at this very moment, you are perfect in God’s eyes and on your way to perfection, not because of anything you have done but because of who you are in Christ. Trust God to continually work in you to help you mature, grow, and change.

Prayer Starter: Father, I want to be made perfect and I believe that in Your sight, I am being made perfect while you continue to help me grow and change. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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