Topic: Persistence Pays – Insight For Living Daily Devotional by Chuck Swindoll Ministry 25 OCTOBER 2020

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Persistence Pays

October 25, 2020by Pastor Chuck SwindollScriptures: Philippians 1:6

PERSISTENCE IS A COSTLY INVESTMENT, no question about it. But the dividends are so much greater than the original outlay that you’ll almost forget the price. And if the final benefits are significant, you’ll wonder why you ever hesitated to begin with.

A primary reason we are tempted to give up is other people . . . you know, the less than 20 percent whose major role it is in life to encourage others to toss in the towel, for whatever reason. Those white-flag specialists never run out of excuses you and I ought to use for quitting. The world’s full of “why-sweat-it” experts. Sometimes, these kings and queens of discouragement live under the same roof:

Your enemies will be right in your own household!


Another reason we are tempted to give up is because we fall victim to our defeated thought life—succumbing to Satan’s fiery arrows of discouragement and doubt (see Ephesians 6:16).

Yet if necessity is the mother of invention, persistence is certainly its father.

God honors it. Maybe because He models it so well:

I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.


The One who began His work within you will continue right up to the end. Being the original finisher, He will persist. I’m comforted to know He won’t be talked out of a plan that has to do with developing me.

If that’s not enough truth to put a bounce back in your spiritual step, I’m not sure what would. Take on this new two-word motto as you step into autumn. Put it on a Post-It where you will see it every day. Don’t forget that persistence pays.

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