Topic: Power and Faith [David Jeremiah Ministry 17 September 2021 | Turning Point Ministries]

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Power and Faith

SEPTEMBER 17, 2021

And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation, which is ready to be revealed on the last day for all to see.
1 Peter 1:5

 Recommended Reading: Acts 9:23-25

In her book, A Prisoner and Yet…, Corrie ten Boom told the story of how God protected her when she entered a Nazi concentration camp. She hid a Bible beneath her dress and prayed that God’s angels would surround her and let her pass unnoticed by the guards. The woman in front of her was searched, as was Corrie’s sister, Betsie, who was behind her. Corrie was not.

The apostle Peter observed there are two sides of the protection coin: God’s power and man’s faith (1 Peter 1:5). Just after Paul’s conversion to Christ, Jews in Damascus conspired to kill him. But his friends lowered him from the city wall in a basket so he could escape (Acts 9:23-25). Just days before, Christ had saved Paul for a mission to the Gentiles. He had faith that immediate death was not part of the mission!

Live your life today trusting in God’s power to protect and deliver. Be active in your faith, looking for God’s protection (2 Corinthians 10:13).

A Sov’reign Protector I have, unseen, yet for ever at hand, unchangeably faithful to save, almighty to rule and command.
Augustus M. Toplady

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